Thursday, June 2, 2011

God hears our prayers

James 5:16
The prayer of a righteous person
is powerful and effective.

I have a friend whose father-in-law (FIL) is sick - actually, he seems to be dying. This has been sudden and unforeseen. He has had a couple of close calls in the past, but this seems to be the worst. He is an unbeliever. She and her husband love the Lord and they, along with their family and friends, have prayed for her FIL's salvation for a long time. But God reminds us that it doesn't matter if it seems like prayers are going unanswered, we need to just keep praying. Now this man is in the hospital, the horribly difficult decision was made by the doctors to take him off of the life support system. Now they wait. They pray. They read scripture to him. They pray some more. They have been in this wait/pray cycle since Sunday. Today, HE OPENED HIS EYES. He sat there and listened to the gospel - oh the wonderful good news of our Lord Jesus the Christ and how He came to Earth, lived a perfect life, died a sinner's death for you and me, and rose again on the 3rd day. Jesus conquered death and is ALIVE! And praise be to God Almighty, Roger opened his eyes and heard this wonderful truth.

I am not sure what will happen from this point forward. All I know is that I am praying fervently for God to be glorified. Not man, but God. Because in the end, it is all about Him. I praise Jesus everyday for my salvation and I pray earnestly for my loved ones who do not yet know the Lord (if that is you, know that I am praying for you). I am so thankful that we can take our requests straight to God, because of the work that Jesus did on the cross. What a privilege and may I never take that for granted. God hears the prayers of the righteous. So the question is, are you praying and are you righteous? I am praying and amazingly, I am counted righteous by God, not because of my works or deeds (heaven forbid), all because of Jesus.

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