I have been listening to two fantastic worship songs that focus on Christ coming to live as a man, dying as a sacrifice and then being raised on the third day. I also love how they speak of His return (which I long for). The first is Christ Is Risen
Butterball Turkeys - Did you know that these are sacrificed as a part of an Islaamic ritual before they appear at the grocery store? Now I do not think we are sinning by having a Butterball turkey for dinner, but do we, as Christians, want to knowingly support this sort of company when there are other brands of turkey available? Hmmm...
The Long Winter - This Ingalls family is quite different than the one you saw on TV, but it is a very faithful adaptation of the book, and is quite entertaining. It is the ONLY “old time radio” adaptation of any of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books, and if you love those stories, you’ll treasure this.
Our Simple Country Life is celebrating 3 years of blogging with a bunch of give-a-ways. You have to be entered by the end of the day on Friday and are announced on Saturday - so hurry up and enter!
The Unplugged Family has an excellent article on gender, phobia and toys. I will probably link to her blog over and over again. I love how she is not afraid to confront hot topics and speak the truth (in love) in a world full of gray areas.
January 22 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and Focus on the Family has created a fantastic video reminding us all that being pro-life is much more than a political issue. Take a few minutes to watch this powerful video.
Seven Lies About Homeschoolers is a must see (hilarious and true) video, so much so that I included it. It is about 4 minutes long and very funny!!
I loved the video!